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Domain Information

NORID Handle...............: JOS361D-NORID
Domain Name................:
Registrar Handle...........: REG885-NORID
Tech-c Handle..............: FIDD4R-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: RH10H-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: RH140H-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: RH144H-NORID
DNSSEC.....................: Signed
DS Key Tag     1...........: 57061
Algorithm      1...........: 14
Digest Type    1...........: 1
Digest         1...........: ac39248a001a1b564a644bfe2d821fa99d4ed99b
DS Key Tag     2...........: 57061
Algorithm      2...........: 14
Digest Type    2...........: 2
Digest         2...........: 1e94c128ae965200b6cbc2635def3c70446acf51774d5be32ebfc702d95b38c5
DS Key Tag     3...........: 57061
Algorithm      3...........: 14
Digest Type    3...........: 3
Digest         3...........: 20914e1dc8a754fcb62878aae898de3777f8c711ca303b09c3d6838f32d08478
DS Key Tag     4...........: 57061
Algorithm      4...........: 14
Digest Type    4...........: 4
Digest         4...........: dd6bd3e52d614941007ae9ed92bc7f732fbe53215d0e6dca21bd19af3329e3b0e020693da4dea6cd362b90bb9adc6654

Additional information:
Created:         2012-02-24
Last updated:    2024-02-24

Information Updated: 2024-08-18 15:20:33